Our Story


J.Moran 雨傘的故鄉是台灣台中, 並於上世紀九十年代初進駐香港市場, 與各大百貨公司合作, 為香港的消費者提供品質優良功能性強的雨傘.  長久以來, 無論從材料研發, 生產技術, 行銷營運, 台灣均為世界雨傘業界之領導者.  生產線從以前在台灣本島到現今遍佈世界各地, 台灣雨傘的品質與口碑均廣為人知, 現今世界各大雨傘品牌背後生產廠商均為台灣工廠.  J.Moran雨傘一直秉持相同的理念為香港客人提供最優質實用的雨傘.

The journey so far!

J.Moran Umbrellas entered the Hong Kong retail market from its origin in Taichung Taiwan in the early 1990’s.  As a wholesale supplier to various department stores, J.Moran Umbrellas’ mission is to supply customers with quality and functional rain gears.  Taiwan has long been well-renowned worldwide for its superior craftsmanship, top notch materials and leading product research and development in the umbrella industry.  Despite the production facilities have long been shifted from the island to across the globe, Taiwan remains as the leader in the umbrella manufacturing sector, supplying durable and practical umbrellas to markets worldwide.  

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