Frequently Asked Question

Top Asked Questions

Is the umbrella fabric UV resistant ? | 雨傘布是否防紫外線?

Yes, the fabrics are of Taiwan origin; manufactured by world leading
Formosa Taffeta Company Limited. Odorless and colorless, the liquid form
anti-UV agent is soaked into the yarn during production, contributing to
excellent UV protection.

是的, 我們用的是雨傘布業界龍頭台灣福懋興業的產品. 防紫外線原料為無色無味
之液體, 於製布過程中會將整匹布浸泡其中, 令傘布具有防紫外線特質.

Only color-coated fabrics are UV proof? | 有塗層的傘布才有防紫外線功效

No, this is one of the most common misunderstanding. As stated above,
once soaked with the anti-UV agent, the fabric itself contains UV resistance
properties. The role of the color coating, most commonly black in color, is
primarily to block out sun light and offer some degree of heat shielding.

不是, 這是現今人們對雨傘布其中一個最普遍的誤解. 正如上列陳述, 傘布浸泡防
紫外線液後已具防紫外線功能, 塗層之用處其實為遮光及某程度上有隔熱的效果

Is the fabric water repellent? | 傘面是否具潑水功能?

Though odorless and colorless, water repellent agent (most commonly
Dupont Teflon) is applied on the surface of the fabric for superb water

是的, 傘面都是有加無色無味的潑水材料, 最常用者為杜邦化工之Teflon鐵氟龍,

The end ribs are made of plastic? | 傘骨是用塑膠做的?

No, though very similar in appearance to ordinary plastic, the umbrella
ribs are actually composed of FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastic) that will bend
under wind pressure, posing wind-proof characteristic. Certain ultra-light
models use carbon fiber ribs for weight saving purpose.

不是, 儘管表面上看起來非常相似, 傘骨的材料其實為玻璃纖維並不是塑膠. 玻璃
纖維傘骨之特性為柔軟度非常高, 不像塑膠般容易折斷, 所以在有風時可彎曲扺扺擋風
力. 有一些超輕傘更甚用上碳纖維傘骨以達極輕之效果.

Will other parts of the umbrella ribs rust? | 傘骨會生銹嗎?

No, the main shaft and the ancillary ribs are made of electroplated

不會, 除了上述的玻璃纖維傘骨之外, 整組傘骨其他金屬部分如鋁材都有做電鍍處

How to maintain the umbrella after use ? | 雨傘使用後如何保養?

When wet after use and condition permitting, stretching open the canopy
to let try is highly recommended in order to prolong normal lifespan of an
umbrella, especially the UV resistance and water repellency in the fabric.

雨傘於下雨使用之後最好在有機會時把它撐開晾乾, 這樣可以令傘布裡的防紫外線


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